
ASPC #149532
Location of stallion: West Plains, MO
Stallion owner's website: www.cornerstoneshetlands.com
Color/markings: Seal Brown
Stud book closing date: 6/1/25
Registration papers offered if multiple: ASPC
Cover: A/I ONLY
Service guarantee: LFG, Foal stands and nurses
Mare care:
Mare stipulations: Clean culture, health cert & coggins, shot records, must be halter broke and tie. 12x12 box stalls, separate turnout, no climb fencing, security system, stall cameras and gaited property.
Height limit: Contact owner
Shipping: Bidder's responsibility
Other: Bidder responsible for all veterinary and all other care for their mare and for ultra-sound for confirmation of pregnancy prior to pickup or shipping
Valiant Man is a 12 time Congress Grand Champion winner, 3 in the Modern Roadster Under Stake, and 9 in the Modern Stallion Under, halter division. He is also an 8 time Pony of the Year in Halter and Performance. The offspring he is producing are earning Congress Grand Championships. Those get include Cornerstone's Valiantly Independent, Cornerstone's Valiant Additude and Cornerstone's Valiant Vixen, whom have all dazzled the show ring. This year one of his sons, Cornerstone's Valiant Charmer, showed for the first time and was Reserve Congress Grand Champion Modern Pleasure Stallion.​
Stallion owner contact information:
Sherri Jolliff
West Plains, MO